A Conscious Wave


Artist: Cynthia Undyantara
Medium: Acrylic Painting on Canvas (2018)
Size: 45x60”


You are not singular.

Your emotions and thoughts are like waves, rippling through you in a perpetual state of ebb and flow. When a difficult emotion arises, it helps to remember that though it is part of you, who you are at your core is not that single emotion.

You are not one wave. You are the whole ocean.

You are a multiplicity of Self; a person with values, mindfulness, and wisdom. The art of self-mastery and living in wholeness is in identifying your inner force and in your capacity of managing these surface emotions, as turbulent as they are.

Part of finding this voice is lovingly hearing and identifying the source of the other voices. You cannot bottle up a wave and cast it aside. Let it flow through you. Give yourself permission to experience that emotion, converse with it, and bring awareness to the driving force behind it without letting it drive you.

In what form is that wave manifesting? It can be in statements such as;

“I feel angry”
“I feel depressed”
“I feel anxious”
“I feel scared”
“I feel bored”
“I feel jealous”
“I feel lonely”

Once you’ve identified what you are feeling, dive even deeper. What is the underlying current beneath that emotion? What is the need that it’s signalling? Examples can be;

I need autonomy and freedom.
I need expression and communication.
I need kindness and compassion.
I need rest and stillness.
I need safety and trust.
I need love and acceptance.
I need spontaneity and play.
I need intimacy and connection.

These needs are your values.
Your values are the force behind the nature of who you are.

When you bring awareness to your core values, you strengthen yourself and your ability to flow with the unpredictability of life; moving forward in existence as your best, most intentional, and complete self.

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Artist: Cynthia Undyantara
Medium: Acrylic Painting on Canvas (2018)
Size: 45x60”


You are not singular.

Your emotions and thoughts are like waves, rippling through you in a perpetual state of ebb and flow. When a difficult emotion arises, it helps to remember that though it is part of you, who you are at your core is not that single emotion.

You are not one wave. You are the whole ocean.

You are a multiplicity of Self; a person with values, mindfulness, and wisdom. The art of self-mastery and living in wholeness is in identifying your inner force and in your capacity of managing these surface emotions, as turbulent as they are.

Part of finding this voice is lovingly hearing and identifying the source of the other voices. You cannot bottle up a wave and cast it aside. Let it flow through you. Give yourself permission to experience that emotion, converse with it, and bring awareness to the driving force behind it without letting it drive you.

In what form is that wave manifesting? It can be in statements such as;

“I feel angry”
“I feel depressed”
“I feel anxious”
“I feel scared”
“I feel bored”
“I feel jealous”
“I feel lonely”

Once you’ve identified what you are feeling, dive even deeper. What is the underlying current beneath that emotion? What is the need that it’s signalling? Examples can be;

I need autonomy and freedom.
I need expression and communication.
I need kindness and compassion.
I need rest and stillness.
I need safety and trust.
I need love and acceptance.
I need spontaneity and play.
I need intimacy and connection.

These needs are your values.
Your values are the force behind the nature of who you are.

When you bring awareness to your core values, you strengthen yourself and your ability to flow with the unpredictability of life; moving forward in existence as your best, most intentional, and complete self.

Artist: Cynthia Undyantara
Medium: Acrylic Painting on Canvas (2018)
Size: 45x60”


You are not singular.

Your emotions and thoughts are like waves, rippling through you in a perpetual state of ebb and flow. When a difficult emotion arises, it helps to remember that though it is part of you, who you are at your core is not that single emotion.

You are not one wave. You are the whole ocean.

You are a multiplicity of Self; a person with values, mindfulness, and wisdom. The art of self-mastery and living in wholeness is in identifying your inner force and in your capacity of managing these surface emotions, as turbulent as they are.

Part of finding this voice is lovingly hearing and identifying the source of the other voices. You cannot bottle up a wave and cast it aside. Let it flow through you. Give yourself permission to experience that emotion, converse with it, and bring awareness to the driving force behind it without letting it drive you.

In what form is that wave manifesting? It can be in statements such as;

“I feel angry”
“I feel depressed”
“I feel anxious”
“I feel scared”
“I feel bored”
“I feel jealous”
“I feel lonely”

Once you’ve identified what you are feeling, dive even deeper. What is the underlying current beneath that emotion? What is the need that it’s signalling? Examples can be;

I need autonomy and freedom.
I need expression and communication.
I need kindness and compassion.
I need rest and stillness.
I need safety and trust.
I need love and acceptance.
I need spontaneity and play.
I need intimacy and connection.

These needs are your values.
Your values are the force behind the nature of who you are.

When you bring awareness to your core values, you strengthen yourself and your ability to flow with the unpredictability of life; moving forward in existence as your best, most intentional, and complete self.